
Helena Ashwell Tours Europe In 'Pygmalion'

Helena is touring Europe in TNT Theatre's production of 'Pygmalion', playing the role of 'Mrs Higgins'.

Pygmalion is a play about a flower girl named Eliza Doolittle who speaks with a Cockney accent. This accent is heavy, a bit hard to understand, and considered lower class. She meets Mr. Higgins, a higher classed and arrogant man, who is convinced that he can train her out of that accent and make her more ladylike.

  • Helena Ashwell Tours Europe In 'Pygmalion'


  • Helena Ashwell Tours Europe In 'Pygmalion'

    Helena is touring Europe in TNT Theatre's production of 'Pygmalion', playing the role of 'Mrs Higgins'.

    Pygmalion is a play about a flower girl named Eliza Doolittle who speaks with a Cockney accent. This accent is heavy, a bit hard to understand, and considered lower class. She meets Mr. Higgins, a higher classed and arrogant man, who is convinced that he can train her out of that accent and make her more ladylike.